Festival / Evening
À quoi joue Raymond Queneau ?
07 May 2015
The event is over
Raymond Queneau, photogramme du film Arithmétique
© Pierre Kast, 1951
Raymond Queneau, photogramme du film Arithmétique
© Pierre Kast, 1951
He has a taste for forms, and for perverting them, too; he has a taste for rules but also for flouting them... What kind of a player is Raymond Queneau really? An entertaining author, as he is most often presented, who plays the virtuoso but only for the pleasure of it? Or an author for whom the game has other implications and should be taken seriously?
With Astrid Bouygues, Marie-Claude Cherqui, Bertrand Tassou
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07 May 2015
7pm - 9pm
7pm - 9pm
Petite salle