Danse et déterritorialisation (suite)
25 Nov 2011
The event is over
Danse et déterritorialisation (suite) 11h30 Black’n’blues a minstrel show, Mark Tompkins, 32’ 12h05 Harmonica Breakdown, Jane Dudley, 15’ 12h20 Loredreamsong Latifa Laabissi, 44’ 13h05 Madame Plaza, Bouchra Ouizguen, 50’ 13h55 93 La belle rebelle, 73’ 15h10 H2-2005, Bruno Beltrão, 50’ 16h00 Self portrait camouflage, Latifa Laâbissi, 26’ 16h30 Loin, Rachid Ouramdane, 55’ 17h25 Daddy, I’ve seen this piece six times before and I still don’t know why they’re hurting each other..., Robyn Orlin, 30’ 18h00 PLANES une performance live de Trisha Brown 18h35 Faustin Linyekula/Installation, 22’ 19h00 C’est à dire…, Seydou Boro, 60’ 20h00 O Samba Do Criolo Doido, Luiz de Abreu, 22’ 20h25 Les Ballets de-ci, de-là, Koen Augustijnen, Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui, Christine de Smedt, Alain Platel, 110’
11:30am - 9:30pm