Debate / Meeting
Olivier Py
Interview with historian and critic Antoine de Baecque
21 Nov 2011

The event is over

Olivier Py
© Carole Bellaïche

Olivier Py
© Carole Bellaïche
The direction of Olivier Py - baroque spirit, a campaigner for public theatre , charismatic figure on the French scene - in Soulier de satin [The satin shoe] and his own plays, La Servante [The maid] and Illusions comiques [Comic illusions], has left a lasting impression on audiences. Influenced by Claudel, Giraudoux and Gernet among others, his lyrical and flamboyant theatre is imbued with theology, philosophy and metaphysics.
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21 Nov 2011
From 7pm
From 7pm
Petite salle