Festival / Evening
Le jeu, c'est du sérieux
06 May 2015
The event is over
Page manuscrite de la Vide mode d’emploi de Georges Perec
© Association Georges Perec
Page manuscrite de la Vide mode d’emploi de Georges Perec
© Association Georges Perec
As an introduction to the cycle she devised, Camille Bloomfield sketches a history of the relationships between literature and games in the modern period, with incursions into Latin and French poets, the great rhetoricians of the 16th century. Using the classification of games proposed by Roger Caillois in Les Jeux et les hommes, she explores the various ways in which writers have practised the "playful". She also dialogues with Marcel Bénou, the writer and decidedly provisional secretary of Oulipo (Ouvroir de literature potentielle, the "workroom of potential literature"), on the way in which his writing makes play with the given figures of author and reader.
With Camille Bloomfield and Marcel Bénabou
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06 May 2015
7pm - 9pm
7pm - 9pm
Petite salle