Projection and discussion
Atmosphères de la projection
Conférence by Giuliana Bruno
03 May 2023

The event is over
Coinciding with the publication of her latest work, Atmospheres of Projection. Environmentality in Art and Screen Media (University of Chicago Press, 2022), the Centre Pompidou has invited Harvard professor Giuliana Bruno to give a conference on the relations between projection, atmosphere and environment in visual arts.
What is an atmosphere? What do atmospheres “project”? How can they create a visual environment? Retracing the history of projection in visual culture, Giuliana Bruno analyses the work of contemporary film directors, artists and architects who are reinventing projective imagination according to atmospheric considerations.
In an approach confronting notions of projection and atmosphere as formulated in a variety of fields and disciplines such as psychoanalysis, environmental philosophy, architecture and the history of science, Giuliana Bruno shows how moving pictures can produce sites for discussion and relations and that to imagine these operations, henceforth deemed ordinary in our screen-heavy environment, the formulation of a genuine ecology of atmosphere proves necessary.
The conference shall take place after the screening of the film Projector Obscura (2005, 35 mm, colour, silent, 10 min) by American artist Peter Miller and will be followed by a discussion with philosopher Emanuele Coccia from the Paris School for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences and media theorist Antonio Somaini from the University Sorbonne Nouvelle.
This conference is organised by the international laboratory for research in arts (LIRA) at the University Sorbonne Nouvelle.
Giuliana Bruno is the holder of the Emmet Blakeney Gleason chair in visual and environmental studies at Harvard University and has forged an international reputation for her interdisciplinary research on visual arts, architecture and the media. Since the publication of Streetwalking on a Ruined Map (Princeton, 1993), a study of Italian culture in the early 20th century based on Elvira Notari’s films, she has published several works marking the development of visual studies such as Atlas of Emotion: Journeys in Art, Architecture and Film (Verso, 2002) and Surface: Matters of Aesthetics, Materiality, and Media (Chicago, 2014).
7pm - 9pm
Peter Miller, Projector Obscura, 2005, 35 mm, couleur, silencieux, 10 min, achat en 2015. (Photogrammes)
© Adagp, Paris © photo : Centre Pompidou, MNAM-CCI/Dist. RMN-GP