Presentation of the modern collection
23 Sep 2020 - 31 Jul 2021

The event is over

Bart van der Leck, « Compositie n°3 », (détail) 1916, Don de la Clarence Westbury Foundation en l’honneur d’Alfred Pacquement, 2013 © Philippe Migeat - Centre Pompidou, MNAM-CCI /Dist. RMN-GP © Adagp, Paris
The Centre Pompidou's modern collection is a veritable reference for each of the great artistic movements of the 20th century, with more than 7,000 works signed by more than 1,500 artists from all disciplines, born before 1920.

Bart van der Leck, « Compositie n°3 », (détail) 1916, Don de la Clarence Westbury Foundation en l’honneur d’Alfred Pacquement, 2013 © Philippe Migeat - Centre Pompidou, MNAM-CCI /Dist. RMN-GP © Adagp, Paris
Tracing the history of the founding movements of modernity, from Fauvism to Cubism to informal art and abstraction, including the avant-garde movements of the period between the wars, such as Dadaism or the Bauhaus school, while presenting eight hundred anonymous works of primitive art, the collection plunge us into these artistic years of modernity.
The works of Raoul Dufy, Georges Braque, Henri Matisse, Pablo Picasso, Henri Laurens, Robert and Sonia Delaunay, Fernand Léger, Juan Gris, Amedeo Modigliani, Sophie Taeuber-Arp, Vassili Kandinsky, František Kupka, Marcel Duchamp, are presented side by side with those of Jean Dubuffet, Hans Hartung, Asger Jorn and Jackson Pollock.
They are presented on level 5 of the Centre Pompidou in constantly renewed chronological and thematic presentations that are continued outside, on the Piazza, with the complete reconstitution of sculptor Constantin Brancusi's studio.
11am - 9pm, every days except tuesdays
Online reservation required