Bill Fontana
Nationalité américaine
Birth: 1947, Cleveland (Ohio, États-Unis)
Place(s) of residence and work : Berkeley (Californie, Etats-Unis), Cologne (Allemagne)
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The Acoustic Visions 5
The Acoustic Visions 3
The Acoustic Visions 12
The Acoustic Visions 4
The Acoustic Visions 7
The Acoustic Visions 8
The Acoustic Visions 11
The Acoustic Visions 1
The Imaginary Acoustic Visions 2
The Acoustic Visions 6
The Imaginary Acoustic Visions 1
The Acoustic Visions 9
Bill Fontana - Silent Echoes : Notre-Dame de Paris, 8 juin - 2 juillet...
5min 56s