
Guyton\Walker was formed in 2004 by the American artists Wade Guyton and Kelley Walker, a collaboration with its own – third – artistic identity, signified by the backslash between the two names. Produced by multiple passes through giant inkjet printers, Guyton’s canvases generally represent motifs that have lost precision through having undergone different modes of reproduction (scanning, photocopying, etc.). Walker’s work consists of large-scale prints and collages that use both digital image-processing and screen-printing. Gathered together pell-mell in their joint installations, their works evoke the legacy of Pop Art, notably in the use of industrial processes. This hybrid installation, composed of panels, canvases and various other supports leaning against the wall, sometimes propped up on paint-pots, puts into question notions of authenticity associated with the ideas of image, studio, and artistic discipline.
Domain | Oeuvre en 3 dimensions | Installation |
Techniques | Plâtre, carton, impression numérique, sérigraphie et impression numérique sur toile, aluminium, papier |
Dimensions | Dimensions de l'installation variables, environ 544 x 580 x 58 cm 7 panneaux : 250 x 120 x 1,3 cm 1 panneau : 120 x 119,2 x 1,3 cm 2 panneaux: 210 x 120 x 1,3 cm Sérigraphie : 175 x 132,5 x 5,2 cm Chaque pot : 19,5 x 17,5 cm diamètre |
Acquisition | Don de la Société des Amis du Musée national d'art moderne en 2010, Projet pour l'art contemporain 2009 |
Inventory no. | AM 2010-129 |
Detailed description
Artist | Guyton \ Walker |
Main title | Untitled |
Creation date | 2009 |
Domain | Oeuvre en 3 dimensions | Installation |
Description | Installation modulable constituée de 10 panneaux, 1 sérigraphie et 15 pots de peinture vides |
Techniques | Plâtre, carton, impression numérique, sérigraphie et impression numérique sur toile, aluminium, papier |
Dimensions | Dimensions de l'installation variables, environ 544 x 580 x 58 cm 7 panneaux : 250 x 120 x 1,3 cm 1 panneau : 120 x 119,2 x 1,3 cm 2 panneaux: 210 x 120 x 1,3 cm Sérigraphie : 175 x 132,5 x 5,2 cm Chaque pot : 19,5 x 17,5 cm diamètre |
Acquisition | Don de la Société des Amis du Musée national d'art moderne en 2010, Projet pour l'art contemporain 2009 |
Collection area | Arts Plastiques - Création contemporaine et prospective |
Inventory no. | AM 2010-129 |
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