La Fortune danseuse

La Fortune danseuse
This drawing may be a portrait of Isadora Duncan, the Russian dancer whom Charchoune met in Berlin in 1922.
Serge Charchoune settled in Paris in 1912 and was introduced to Cubism at the Académie de la Grande Palette. ln 1914 he went to Barcelona where he met Arthur Cravan and Francis Picabia who launched his 391 review there. On returning to Paris in 1919, Charchoune joined the Dada group on the invitation of Picabia and took part in its actions. Charchoune contributed to the creation of L'Œil Cacodylate [The Cacodylic Eye] in 1921 and produced various Dadaist works, including his illustrated poem entitled Foule immobile [Motionless Crowd] and a drawing reproduced in 391. ln 1922 Charchoune left France briefly in the hope of returning to Soviet Russia.
Domain | Dessin |
Techniques | Fusain, encres sur papier |
Dimensions | 100,3 x 71,2 cm |
Acquisition | Legs de l'artiste, 1976 |
Inventory no. | AM 1976-606 |
Detailed description
Artist |
Serge Charchoune
(1888, Empire Russe - 1975, France) |
Main title | La Fortune danseuse |
Creation date | [1922] |
Domain | Dessin |
Techniques | Fusain, encres sur papier |
Dimensions | 100,3 x 71,2 cm |
Inscriptions | S.B.G. : S.CHARCHOUNE |
Notes | Peut-être ce dessin est-il un portrait Dada d'Isodora Duncan, rencontrée à cette époque à Berlin par Charchoune. |
Acquisition | Legs de l'artiste, 1976 |
Collection area | Cabinet d'art graphique |
Inventory no. | AM 1976-606 |