Cementarmato n°31 (Ciment armé n°31)

Cementarmato n°31
(Ciment armé n°31)
This artwork is exemplary of a form of Italian Minimalism.
The Cementi armati sculpture series, developed by Giuseppe Uncini between 1957 and 1963 consists of blacks of cement where the framework is visible. It is organised around a geometric star shape that runs through a thick cement base, marked with the print of the wooden formwork and the tight weave of a metal mesh. The work has a dual nature: sculptural by its matter, and pictorial by its mural position, rectangular format and the presence of a frame, formed by a cement border.
Domain | Oeuvre en 3 dimensions |
Techniques | Ciment, fer |
Dimensions | 151 x 88,5 x 4 cm |
Acquisition | Don de l' Archivio Opera Giuseppe Uncini, 2019 |
Inventory no. | AM 2019-620 |
Detailed description
Artist |
Giuseppe Uncini
(1929, Italie - 2008, Italie) |
Main title | Cementarmato n°31 (Ciment armé n°31) |
Series title | Cementi Cemento armato |
Creation date | 1961 |
Domain | Oeuvre en 3 dimensions |
Techniques | Ciment, fer |
Dimensions | 151 x 88,5 x 4 cm |
Inscriptions | S.D.T.R.B.DR. : G. Uncini/1961/"cementarmato" |
Acquisition | Don de l' Archivio Opera Giuseppe Uncini, 2019 |
Collection area | Arts Plastiques - Contemporain |
Inventory no. | AM 2019-620 |
Giuseppe Uncini / [a cura di Giovanni Maria Accame [e] Matteo Saponaro]. - Bergamo : De Agostini, 1996 (cit. (légende) p. 266 et reprod. p. 86) . N° isbn 88-415-3909-7
Voir la notice sur le portail de la Bibliothèque Kandinsky
Giuseppe Uncini : Raum aus Fla¨che und Struktur : Sta¨dtische Kunsthalle Mannheim. 20 octobre 2001 - 06 janvier 2002 - Sta¨dtische Kunsthalle Mannheim, 2001 (cit. et reprod. p. 97)
UNCINI : Catalogo ragionato. - Milano, Silvana Editoriale, 2008 (cit. et reprod. coul. p. 222)