Debate / Meeting
Technological flops: fail in order to succeed?
31 May 2013

The event is over
Digital cultures. Technological flops: fail in order to succeed? Information technologies (ICT) have seen many setbacks and occasionally spectacular flops. How does success follow multiple failures? Is there a timescale for successfully transforming the experiment? How has the understanding of the innovation by the user become a central element of success?
Digital cultures. Technological flops: fail in order to succeed? Information technologies (ICT) have seen many setbacks and occasionally spectacular flops. How does success follow multiple failures? Is there a timescale for successfully transforming the experiment? How has the understanding of the innovation by the user become a central element of success?
With Nicolas Nova, Researcher at HEAD (Geneva) and ENSCI (Paris) and Hubert Guillaud, Chief Editor of Internet Actu.
From 7pm
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