Festival / Evening
Frédéric Ferrer : The deterritorialisations of the vector (map 3)]
28 Feb 2013

The event is over

Frédéric Ferrer is a writer, director, geographer and actor. After creating three shows presenting climate imbalances, in 2010 he decided to tell the story of the different areas and to make an Atlas of the Anthropocene. Both lecture and performance, each of his maps analyses an area of upheaval on the planet: after “A la recherche des canards perdus” [In search of lost ducks] and “Les Vikings et les satellites” [The Vikings and the satellites], here he presents a third map based on a mosquito.

Frédéric Ferrer is a writer, director, geographer and actor. After creating three shows presenting climate imbalances, in 2010 he decided to tell the story of the different areas and to make an Atlas of the Anthropocene. Both lecture and performance, each of his maps analyses an area of upheaval on the planet: after “A la recherche des canards perdus” [In search of lost ducks] and “Les Vikings et les satellites” [The Vikings and the satellites], here he presents a third map based on a mosquito.
Devised by Frédéric Ferrer Guest Karen Ramage / Motorway photographer, sound effects assistant Claire Gras
Production and partners: Vertical Détour, Domaine d’O (départemental art and cultural assets – Montpellier, as part of the European cultural programme “Imagine 2020 - Arts and Climate Change”.), Institut Français - Ministère des Affaires Etrangères et Européennes [French Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs]-, Dakar Institut Français (accueil en résidence), the Entente Interdépartementale de démoustication - EID Méditerranée - (interdépartemental mosquito eradication agreement), the institut de recherche sur le développement - IRD Mont¬pellier – (institute of development research), the CNES space observatory as part of its space creative arts and fantasy programme - Création et imaginaire spatial, the Ile-de-France Region, Ville-Evrard Etablissement Public de Santé (institute of public health).
Les déterritorialisations du vecteur is the third Map in the “Atlas of the Anthropocene”. It was presented for the first time on 13 December 2012 at the Domaine d’O in Montpellier.
From 7pm