Debate / Meeting
Jacques Rozier
03 Oct 2011
The event is over
Jacques Rozier, Du côté d'Orouët, 1969
© d.r.
Jacques Rozier, Du côté d'Orouët, 1969
© d.r.
A programme put together by Gilles Mouëllic, notably author of Improviser le cinema [Improvising cinema] (Yellow Now, 2011). "There was something written down but it was still easy to improvise because the three girls were very alike their characters. All that was needed was to provide an opening for the jokes and let the ideas and the scenes come naturally". These few words from Jacques Rozier regarding Du côté d'Orouët constitute an ideal introduction to the theory of the existence of an "improvised cinema". The evidence expressed here by the most inventive heir of the work of Jean Renoir conceals, with as much skill as elegance, the complexity of the improvised movement within the art that is cinema." G.M.
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03 Oct 2011
From 7pm
From 7pm
Cinéma 2