Debate / Meeting
Sung Dong legends
23 Jun 2016
The event is over
"Literature onstage" cycle. The oral culture of the Dongs, an ethnic group of three million inhabitants in the mountains of south-west China, illustrates a poetic vision of the world and a practice where music, theatre and singing take precedence. The imaginary world of the Dong legends, creation myths and historical memory are nourished by an agrarian tradition imbued with animism.
With Annie Bergeret-Curien, a researcher at the EHESS, translator from Chinese / Wu Zhangshi & Wu Qianchun, Dong storytellers and musicians / Stéphane Méjean and Michel Sanlaville, musicians. (See
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23 Jun 2016
8pm - 9:30pm
8pm - 9:30pm
Petite salle