Show / Concert
Futurologies fluorescentes
Regards sur la scène portugaise
18 Mar - 2 Apr 2022

The event is over
For the France-Portugal 2022 Season, the Centre Pompidou Live Shows and the Teatro Municipal do Porto join together to present a rich and diverse programme: Cabraqimera, a dance performance, and Poromechanics, an immersive video installation by choreographer Catarina Miranda; a concert by Jonathan Saldanha, with his group HHY & The Kampala Unit; encounters and an online programme of dance films from the DDD Festival – Dias da Dança.
Whether born in Mozambique, Cape Verde or Portugal, whether they come from the visual arts or performance arts, whether they were nurtured in urban culture or traditional rites, these children of the post-April 25 1974 world are haunted by struggles and steeped in political and aesthetic revolutions. These artists are porous to the world around them, transdisciplinary and complex-free, independent of all rules and regulations while still embracing their cultural heritage. These multiple identities that we find in Porto, a cradle of Portuguese artistic creation, are celebrated in the Centre Pompidou with the Teatro Municipal do Porto during the France-Portugal 2022 Season.
Du 18 mars au 2 avril
Programme en ligne de films de DDD – Festival Dias da Dança 2021 (Danse en ligne)
Diffusion en ligne sur le site du Centre Pompidou de six performances d'artistes et compagnies sélectionnées parmi les projets présentés au DDD – Festival Dias da Dança 2021 du Teatro Municipal do Porto. (Programmation à venir)
18 et 19 mars
Cabraqimera de Catarina Miranda (Danse)
Du 18 au 26 mars
Poromechanics de Catarina Miranda (Installation vidéo)
25 et 26 mars
Cornucópia de mala voadora / Jorge Andrade et José Capela (Théâtre) / Cancelled
2 avril
Jonathan Saldanha – HHY & The Kampala Unit (Musique)
Curated by: Tiago Guedes and Chloé Siganos
Production: Live Shows, Centre Pompidou x Teatro Municipal do Porto
La programmation Spectacles Vivants bénéficie du soutien de
Grand mécène
Manifestation organisée dans le cadre de la Saison France-Portugal 2022
Comité des mécènes de la Saison France-Portugal 2022
En partenariat média avec
© José Caldeira